Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Walking time

I just took little Lupe for a walk. I've taken her on approximately 3 walks now and I have to be patient with her because shes all over the place and she stops and starts.
Today I decided to try get her to be brave so I headed to Western Springs park, but she was just way to scared to walk near the traffic.
I can't wait till shes more confident in public, because at home shes the sassy little shit.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Star wars dogs

I'm such a sad fucker I've already decided to make a star wars costume for Lupe
I'm thinking Ewok

Here is the costume  instructions (Ive just copy and pasted it)

Ewok Costume
brown felt (in yardage and not felt craft squares)
leather rope for embellishment
1. Using your dog's face measurements, draw and oval on to a piece of paper.
2. Cut this out and place it on a piece of large brown felt and use tailor's chalk to transfer it onto the felt.
3. Cut out the face oval from the felt.
4. Try this piece on your dog and make sure the oval is snug but not too tight.
5. Using tailor's chalk, mark where to cut the ears.
6. Draping technique - start pining in felt areas where you need to trim and hem the costume. I found that the sides and back of the head needed to be taken in a bit for a more rounded shape. You'lll also need to trim the front area to create the front piece of the headdress.
7. Take the felt off your dog and cut out the area's where the ears go.
8. Trim and hem all the pinned edges you noted.
9. Try it on your dog again and repeat any steps above necessary to achieve desired results.
10. Add a leather string along the right top / side of the Ewok's face.

Here are some other misfortunate animals

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Almost December

Whats new?

Well I've finished exams and University for the year. I'm thinking about going to Summer school in January but I'm not 100% yet.
To celebrate me doing so awesomely at Uni and my 21st that is becoming increasingly closer, Dad, Mum, Mums partner and my Boyfriend bought me a puppy, SQUEEEEEE
Her name is 'Lupe', kind of like Lupe Fiasco , but its basically just a female Spanish name that means Wolf. Sometime I think of her as a little Mexican dog (even though shes not) with a sombrero on.
Shes a Brussels Griffon. Shes so cute (and ugly at the same time), shes super protective of me and follows me from room to room even if shes sleeping she will see that I have left and she will follow.
My cat Gaia is kind of hot and cold with her, sometimes she bops her in the face and other times she just watches.

Here is some photos of my lovely Lupe
This is the photo that the breeder put up of her on Trademe
First day we got her

Lupe and her stolen pizza crust
Motion shot, Brussels Griffon's do a head tilt when they don't understand stuff or they are inquisitive.

In other news, on the 5th of December I am going to be in the Elerslie Santa parade again as snow white again. Except this year I think I will be driving the scooter also EEEEK I cant wave and drive =S
I also don't have short black hair anymore its like medium brown hair. Ill need to buy a wig.
I need to tone my arms as well, the bottom bit of the sleeve is a tiny bit tight. This year I'm pretty stoked that I still fit the dress I've gained a wee bit o' weight bit I actually suit the Snow white dress better, ma boobies and waist are hotter.

At the moment I am sitting in my room secretly wishing that my flat mate turns off the Pop-punk, I'm going a bit insane from hearing the same 3 bands repeated.

Also my Grandma is coming out of the hospital this week

Black swan

This movie looks crazy, but then again trailers are usually completely different from the actual plot

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Tuesday

This is a New Zealand band from my city, Auckland.
There aren't really any bands like this in Auckland at the moment

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nerd time

Geek as

My adventurous list for Summer

Heres a list of things too do this summer:
Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc
Make friendship bracelets
Do some baking
Make fresh, homemade fruit juice.
Make a fancy dinner
Have a sleep over
Plant some flowers in my garden
Make my own sound track
Make a slip and slide
Draw a self portrait
Go to the Museum
Do some cross stiches for friends
Make popsicles
Go out for a nice dinner
Melt some plastic toy soldiers on the foot path
Throw toys with parachutes off somewhere high
Read at least 5 books
Paint my own face
Awaken one of my old Tamagotchi'sand try keep it alive for longer then a month
Go to a movie alone
Write a short story
Send post cards to friends, not matter how close they live
Have a star wars marathon
Complete a coloring book
Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
Make a pizza from scratch
Climb a tree
Throw out everything in my cupboard that I haven't worn in 3 months
Leave 5 notes in books at the library
Make a fort in the lounge
Complete a puzzle I haven't done before
Draw a picture of my breakfast, lunch and dinner
Go to a paint store and collect 'chips' of my favorite colours
Write a letter to a celebrity and send it
Make an outfit for my cat (that isnt uncomfortable for her)
Attempt to meditate

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Exams are finally over, I now get to be lazy.
I haven't updated in ages!!!!

I might make some lists, lists are fun.

What I'm planning on doing for my holidays:
-get a head for next year of uni, Ive only picked one class but its going to be sooooo cool. Its Egyptian history of the 18th dynasty. The 18th dynasty is my favourite because there are some bad ass ladies doing some bad ass things.
-Celebrate my 21st. I don't know what I'm going to do, I have a couple friends that have birthdays around mine so I could do something conjoint with them but I'm feeling to lazy to host something at my house. I might go to a strip club, that would be mean.
-Getting a puppy, I'm not supposed to know but Todd is shit at surprises. I will get her on Wednesday or any day after then. I wanted a French Bulldog but they price around $2500. I'm getting a little Brussels Griffon. My flat mate Nick has two, they are wonderful dogs. And I like how they look like Ewoks.
-Clean the fuck out of the house. Ive started to unload stuff we just don't need. I like that the house just look a tiny bit cleaner. I'm also planning on doing a proper scrub down of everything.,
-I'm going to get active. Go for bike rides, go for swims . Its going to be awesome
-Make some money! Work called and they said I can start turning up whenever I want again, FEW.
-Read some books, I haven't read a book that isn't school related in ages. I'm planning to read some crime fiction.
-I'm going to be snow white in the Elerslie Santa parade again WOOO HOO. This year I need to buy a wig because I have don't have black hair and its a lot longer.
-Hopefully If nick gets some time I can get my thigh piece done WOOOO.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lazy me

Sorry its been so long, I'll just do a photo post.
Tomorrow Ill put up a nice chunky update