I need a quick vent.
I don't get why I'm the only person in my flat that doesn't get consulted when my flatmates have people stay for a while at our flat.
FUCK everyone knows when this shit is gonna happen and I always find out like 1 day before hand.
Seeing as I'm the person who's here most of the time and I'm the one who has to pick up everyone's shit and wash everyone's dishes I should get a little bit of an input. It would be nice to be asked at least.
I don't mind if its someone I know who stays, aslong as they are nice and they don't couch potato there time away and I always feel like I'm confined to my bedroom when people crash at mine.
I think I'm turning into an introvert, its not good.
Vent over.
Hey, Love I'm starting a new site called that promotes blogs, its at the beginning stages but i would love for you to join...
That sounds awesome. You probably don't want to promote blogs with girls bitching about their flatmates though