Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life update

I haven't really written anything personal in this blog.

So life so far is a bit stressful, but also good.
I have exams coming up in about 3 weeks. Its pretty nerve racking because I have a mix of classes I'm really good at and some that involve a lot more study
  • Egyptian Ancient History and Literature: I'm finally getting into the swing if this paper. Apart from the names (and there is a lot) its really fascinating
  • Sociology: I feel pretty confident here,I just need to do some more reading
  • Anthro- The history of pop music: Sounds easy and it is, I feel like most of the people who Ive talked to that take this paper just don't have any understanding of music apart from little Wayne and Lady Gaga. Some girl in one of the lectures asked what Queen sounded like! and some other dude didn't know who Bruce Springsteen is. COME ON PEOPLE!
  • Biological Anthropology:This is the paper that's breaking my balls. I knew about hominids but I was unaware that there was fuckload more transitional species leading up to humans. I have no idea how I'm going to retain some of this information. 'Australopithocus Robustus, was 2.0 -1.5 million years ago, from south Africa. its cranial capacity was 500-550. it weighed about 40-80KG and was associated with tools' Try learning that times 40

So apart from the stresses of school I'm OK.
  • I have two new flat mates this year, Bentos and Dylan. Its really nice to have some no-drama flat mates in contrast to ones that would say racist things,wouldn't pay rent and then threaten you when they didn't get what they wanted.

  • My grandmother also gave me her car, this is a little bit funny because I think someone else was expecting to get it.I don't even have a restricted license , but I will get onto that ASAP. Its a sweet little Honda hatchback , but its about 20 years old , so I'm not expecting miracles. Plus the beige colour doesn't exactly scream wild beast.

  • I'm also trying to get fit again, I've gained a bit of weight, funnily enough in my boobs and arse, but I'm not that impressed with it. I don't like how heavy tits are when I run, I don't know why girls with large breasts like to go on about their endowment.

  • I'm also getting a bummed about my lack of contact with my Elerslie friends. I know that if I feel like its a problem then I should do something about it , but its not quite that easy. I really hate feeling like I won't know these friends in ten years time.

  • I'm also thinking about growing my hair out and getting rid of the black. Its only lasted so long because I'm lazy. I was thinking some dark brown colour. I use to really dislike long hair in girls, sometimes its really horse like and just makes faces look gaunt, but Im simply tired of having pig tails cos my hairs to short


PS. I need this tattoo on my life

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