Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Going to an amateur Burlesque night with the girls

Ignore my double chin please!

21st Birthday cake

My mum is amazing at making really creative cakes, this year she went pretty simple but I still loved this cake to pieces! (see what I did there, pieces, cake, pieces of cake)

Its so cute!
They 21st key is from my mothers 21st birthday, that is one old piece of plastic!

Part 5 - what kinda mood are you in and why

Right now I'm feeling pretty chill, its nearing the end of the day and I'm in bed on my laptop.
Also a bit excited for tomorrow, my wonderful friend Samara has a surprise for me tomorrow night.
She has also given me some pretty big clues so I have my suspicions
Clue one- She said to dress pin-up
Clue two- she said Katie, Kate, Morgie and Ricky are coming. So whatever it is, it has to be bearable for a man to go with a bunch of girls
Clue three- she said something about us having a table
I think I know what it is but I don't want to say unless I guess wrong.

Today was such a miserable day, so rainy and gross. Todd and I went out and bought Lupe a paddling pool for when its summery, its like she is our baby. She kind of is, puppies are like babies.

I want to find one of my old Tamagotchi's and see if i have the ability to keep it alive now that I'm older hehe

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Part 4 - picture / quote from one of your favourite movies

Holly Golightly: You know those days when you get the mean reds?
Paul Varjak: The mean reds. You mean like the blues?
Holly Golightly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat, and maybe it's been raining too long. You're just sad, that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid, and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?

Alan: You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!

Part 3 - something you wish you didnt have to deal with

·  Part 3 - something you wish you didnt have to deal with

Lazy ass boys who don't know how to pick up after themselves.

Monday, December 13, 2010


This is so weird!
My friend sent me an email of this link.
This photo was taken like 2 years ago at a hot rod blow out in Auckland, New Zealand and it was posted on a tumblr called ‘modified couples’.
Its not a good photo of me and Todd looks like he has a beer gut , Its nice being reminded its a small world!

what you honestly think of yourself

Part 2 - what you honestly think of yourself

I think i will split this into pros and cons.

-I randomly turn sour, I could be driving home thinking about all the things I'm looking forward to and the second I open the door I'm in this pissy mood.
-I have a tendency to not give a fuck about something then later, after some thought I will get fired up about it
-I take my anger out on the people I feel the safest with
-Sometimes I don't stand up for myself, I'll let people use me for my benefits because I love them.
-I think I need to loose like 10kgs, I love voluptuous women, I'm just not use to being one
-I let things get on my nervous when sometimes I should just let it go
-I spend to much time doing nothing, I think I would be more interesting if I had some hobbies

-I have a great capasity for love
-I would put myself in harms way for the people I love
-I think that I have a pretty face (I'm allowed to do a vain one)
-I think I have a good sense of style, I just can't really afford the clothes I like.
-I'm bright and smart and on occasion can be quick witted.
-I  am a bit odd but that's why people enjoy my company


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Part one- Whats on your mind

Part 1-What’s on your mind

I am surprised that today has been so chill.
Its my 21st today and I've pretty much spent it relaxing and recovering from the last night.
Todd and I took Lupe for her first adventure to the beach, she loved it.
She was frolicking and at one point she was running into the water to get me and a wave splashed her in the face and she looked soooo cute! You know how kids look when something happens to them, they don't know what just happened but they know that something did happen. there was a flash of shock on her face.
This isn't really whats on my mind just what I did today, but I'm to tired to have anything on my mind

Tomorrow I might go to work.
Rob Ting is coming over from Melbourne with his band The King Cannons, to stay with us while they tour.
Rob is a tattoo artist and will be tattooing at my flat mate's tattoo store, Kingsland Ink while he is in Auckland, my flat mates are pretty excited to catch up with him.

So far for my birthday I've been given some pretty sweet gifts
Mum bought me some cute charms for my bracelet. A globe, three 21st keys, and a little 21 in a wreath. She also made me a really cute cake with my little ponies on it and her 21st key from when she turned 21. She also gave me 2 pewter goblets called 'orgy goblets' that her mother gave her when she turned 21. They look awesome. She also got me Lupe for my birthday.
My dad gave me some money which helped out a lot, I pretty much spent all of it on makeup, shoes and other bits and bobs that I have been in need of. He also got me a mug with these weird women on it with chains around their necks (weird huh). He also put in for Lupe
Grandma gave me a cheque that doesn't clear till monday, not sure what I'm going to buy yet.
Todd put in for Lupe and he is also getting me a BMX tonight SQUEEE.
Nick got me a giant bouquet of flowers, that was pretty epic
Like I mentioned before Samara bought me 2 prints from an artist
Dee gave me a my little pony, which I love

I'm feeling pretty spoilt


Because I am so inconsistent with posting, I think I'll do another 'challenge' 

  Part 1-What’s on your mind
·  Part 2 - what you honestly think of yourself
·  Part 3 - something you wish you didnt have to deal with
·  Part 4 - picture / quote from one of your favourite movies
·  Part 5 - what kinda mood are you in and why
·  Part 6 -  favourite song and why
·  Part 7 - lyrics that make you want to cry
·  Part 8 - one of your favourite youtube videos
·  Part 9 - the person you truly miss
·  Part 10 - your “at the moment”
·  Part 11 - memory you want to relive
·  Part 12 - what food are you realllly craving
·  Part 13 - picture that brings back memories
·  Part 14 - your 11:11 wishes
·  Part 15 - highlight of this month so far
·  Part 16 - something you find really annoying.
·  Part 17 - a picture you find adorable
·  Part 18 - the person you’re dying to be with
·  Part 19 - things you may not know about me
·  Part 20 - lyrics you will never forget
·  Part 21 - something you need to vent about
·  Part 22 - lyrics from a song that never fails to make you smile
·  Part 23 - something your really confused about
·  Part 24 - picture of yourself from today
·  Part 25 - favourite band(s) and why
·  Part 26 - something your procrastinating about doing
·  Part 27 - plans for today
·  Part 28 - write about one of those cute moments you wish would happen to you
·  Part 29 - picture you’ve taken yourself of anything
·  Part 30 - the most important person to you in your life right now


So today is the big two-one.
I'm 21 and now theoretically an adult.
I've been able to have sex, rent porn, drink alcohol , smoke cigarettes and gamble for a while but for some reason 21 is the big one.

My 21st dress didn't arrive so I improvised with my dorothy dress from 
Last night I had a few friends around to drink and chill , I made bucket punch, which is a concoction of cider, white wine and vodka, along with apple juice and strawberries.
After that we went to town to do some Karaoke, I rented out a private room for a couple of hours.
This room was so impressive, they had a large screen tv, a flash computer to play the music with and leather seats, drinking games set up.
I feel king of bad for the owners because at the end of the night there was booze everywhere,bottles all over the floor and dice in every nook and cranny.
I even managed to have some party crashers, i have no idea who they were but one chick was wearing a leather nurses costume. Who does that for a night on the town, unless you are an escort with a theme going on.

So I had a pretty epic night, my voice is completely gone.
I will be sure to post some photos when my friend Samara sends them to me. I'm pretty nervous to see the evidence of last night.

At the moment I'm chilling on the couch with my boy , waiting for mum to drop off my birthday cake.
I'm guessing it will be 'my little pony' or 'snow white' themed.

Samara bought me some really awesome prints from a local tattoo artist . I'm not sure what her website is but her is some of her art on her facebook.

Well I must go be excitable.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I need a quick vent.
I don't get why I'm the only person in my flat that doesn't get consulted when my flatmates have people stay for a while at our flat.
FUCK everyone knows when this shit is gonna happen and I always find out like 1 day before hand.
Seeing as I'm the person who's here most of the time and I'm the one who has to pick up everyone's shit and wash everyone's dishes I should get a little bit of an input. It would be nice to be asked at least.
I don't mind if its someone I know who stays, aslong as they are nice and they don't couch potato there time away and I always feel like I'm confined to my bedroom when people crash at mine.
I think I'm turning into an introvert, its not good.

Vent over.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New dress

Ahhh, my dress for my 21st is going to take a few extra days because its coming from Thailand so its not going to make it in time. So I ordered another dress from a different website in the US I wasn't even thinking because Duh of course thats also gonna take a few days. I'm just crossing my fingers and sending out possie vibes. Maybe If I doing some good deeds it will come to me sooner rather then later
So meh no 21st dress but atleast I will have cute new dresses for what ever else I shall be doing.

Here is my other cute new dress (on the way)

Monday, December 6, 2010


Its my 21st on Sunday, so on Saturday night me and a few friends are going to get wastey.
I didn't really want the responsibility of cleaning up my house if i decided to have a big thing so I'm bringing a few friends to a Karaoke Bar to dance on tables, scream into mics and bash tambourines.
I haven't ever sung at Karaoke  but I have been a few times. I shall break the seal and punish the world with my shit voice. 
I was planning on hiring out a private room so we don't have to deal with strangers.

Anyway this is the birthday dress I bought for the evening

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Walking time

I just took little Lupe for a walk. I've taken her on approximately 3 walks now and I have to be patient with her because shes all over the place and she stops and starts.
Today I decided to try get her to be brave so I headed to Western Springs park, but she was just way to scared to walk near the traffic.
I can't wait till shes more confident in public, because at home shes the sassy little shit.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Star wars dogs

I'm such a sad fucker I've already decided to make a star wars costume for Lupe
I'm thinking Ewok

Here is the costume  instructions (Ive just copy and pasted it)

Ewok Costume
brown felt (in yardage and not felt craft squares)
leather rope for embellishment
1. Using your dog's face measurements, draw and oval on to a piece of paper.
2. Cut this out and place it on a piece of large brown felt and use tailor's chalk to transfer it onto the felt.
3. Cut out the face oval from the felt.
4. Try this piece on your dog and make sure the oval is snug but not too tight.
5. Using tailor's chalk, mark where to cut the ears.
6. Draping technique - start pining in felt areas where you need to trim and hem the costume. I found that the sides and back of the head needed to be taken in a bit for a more rounded shape. You'lll also need to trim the front area to create the front piece of the headdress.
7. Take the felt off your dog and cut out the area's where the ears go.
8. Trim and hem all the pinned edges you noted.
9. Try it on your dog again and repeat any steps above necessary to achieve desired results.
10. Add a leather string along the right top / side of the Ewok's face.

Here are some other misfortunate animals

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Almost December

Whats new?

Well I've finished exams and University for the year. I'm thinking about going to Summer school in January but I'm not 100% yet.
To celebrate me doing so awesomely at Uni and my 21st that is becoming increasingly closer, Dad, Mum, Mums partner and my Boyfriend bought me a puppy, SQUEEEEEE
Her name is 'Lupe', kind of like Lupe Fiasco , but its basically just a female Spanish name that means Wolf. Sometime I think of her as a little Mexican dog (even though shes not) with a sombrero on.
Shes a Brussels Griffon. Shes so cute (and ugly at the same time), shes super protective of me and follows me from room to room even if shes sleeping she will see that I have left and she will follow.
My cat Gaia is kind of hot and cold with her, sometimes she bops her in the face and other times she just watches.

Here is some photos of my lovely Lupe
This is the photo that the breeder put up of her on Trademe
First day we got her

Lupe and her stolen pizza crust
Motion shot, Brussels Griffon's do a head tilt when they don't understand stuff or they are inquisitive.

In other news, on the 5th of December I am going to be in the Elerslie Santa parade again as snow white again. Except this year I think I will be driving the scooter also EEEEK I cant wave and drive =S
I also don't have short black hair anymore its like medium brown hair. Ill need to buy a wig.
I need to tone my arms as well, the bottom bit of the sleeve is a tiny bit tight. This year I'm pretty stoked that I still fit the dress I've gained a wee bit o' weight bit I actually suit the Snow white dress better, ma boobies and waist are hotter.

At the moment I am sitting in my room secretly wishing that my flat mate turns off the Pop-punk, I'm going a bit insane from hearing the same 3 bands repeated.

Also my Grandma is coming out of the hospital this week

Black swan

This movie looks crazy, but then again trailers are usually completely different from the actual plot

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Tuesday

This is a New Zealand band from my city, Auckland.
There aren't really any bands like this in Auckland at the moment

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nerd time

Geek as

My adventurous list for Summer

Heres a list of things too do this summer:
Go on a walk and take pictures of trees, flowers, dogs, etc
Make friendship bracelets
Do some baking
Make fresh, homemade fruit juice.
Make a fancy dinner
Have a sleep over
Plant some flowers in my garden
Make my own sound track
Make a slip and slide
Draw a self portrait
Go to the Museum
Do some cross stiches for friends
Make popsicles
Go out for a nice dinner
Melt some plastic toy soldiers on the foot path
Throw toys with parachutes off somewhere high
Read at least 5 books
Paint my own face
Awaken one of my old Tamagotchi'sand try keep it alive for longer then a month
Go to a movie alone
Write a short story
Send post cards to friends, not matter how close they live
Have a star wars marathon
Complete a coloring book
Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
Make a pizza from scratch
Climb a tree
Throw out everything in my cupboard that I haven't worn in 3 months
Leave 5 notes in books at the library
Make a fort in the lounge
Complete a puzzle I haven't done before
Draw a picture of my breakfast, lunch and dinner
Go to a paint store and collect 'chips' of my favorite colours
Write a letter to a celebrity and send it
Make an outfit for my cat (that isnt uncomfortable for her)
Attempt to meditate