Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 18

•Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Life Update:
Today in my Spanish class my tutor asked a question in Spanish and usually when he does that he expects me to reply in Spanish, I managed to draw a total blank and freeze up.
I hate that, not that I made a dick of myself but the fact that now he probably thinks I'm completely lost. Plus I got all stressed that I wasn't doing enough and am planning on cramming some study in.
The problem with uni is that the university expects you to do about 35 hours a week of study (including the time in lectures and tutorials). Well its not really a problem , my laziness is the problem.

Today I also went to the mall to do some window shopping, I tried on a skirt that I had no intention of buying but fuck the glassons mirrors are so very evil, they make you look short and chunky.
I'm sure its a trick to make people spend more money because they feel miserable about their appearance. I ain't falling for it buddy! there are parts of my body I would like to improve (that exercise can fix) , but I'm not going to let your demon mirrors ruin my day!

In my Gender Representation paper the theme for the day was 'Men Dancing'. This got me all excited because I thought we were going to see some man strippers.
But instead there was some amazing dance routines around Masculinity.
One was of some men drinking in a bar but it was all dance routine and it represented how being a man is about 'getiing the job done and taking action'

This clip is only a tiny bit quite far into it 

I really liked how the lecturer highlighted that being masculine is about putting on a performance that makes men fit in along with other men whilst also gets them noticed. However the performance has to seem like they aren't trying hard or are even putting on a performance.
The 'performance' theory is a sociological idea that the personal world is split into a front stage and a back stage. The front stage is what the world sees and the back stage is what you personally feel. When you're with your friends your putting on your front stage persona.
Being masculine also entails mimicking other men

This coming Sunday is Todd and my anniversary.
We are planning on going to Kelly Tarltons


  1. I work with 6 Brazilians. They all speak Portuguese all the time around me I have no idea what’s going on.. then there’s one dude from, um, can’t even remember where he’s from but he speaks Spanish. It’s similar. Then there’s my boss whose South African and doesn’t even speak English very well and will switch from Spanish to Portuguese to South Africance (whatever that language is called) to English and still not get the right word?!

    You’d think I’d pick up the Portuguese working with them all but I tune it out. Learning is too hard ;-P

  2. 6 Brizilians in one work place is heaps! Brizilians must like fitness.
    Learning IS to hard!
    I know this girl who speaks Portuguese, it would be impossible for me to learn!I am so bad at accents! I blame it on being kiwi!

    Looking forward to your baby shower!
    Ricky , Morgie and I were at a asiany store today and I thought it would be a good idea to get some cute little bits and bobs for the shower but Ricky's eyes started to glaze over so we aborted the mission haha.
