Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 25

•Day 25 — Your day, in great detail

I might make this more of my weekend update.

I got Todd to do my nails
Friday night I went to 'Freak of the Week' with Samara. I drank a six pack of woodies and then when I got to town and I bought another 2 woodies and then ordered another 2 at the bar. I'm not trying to sound impressive , like oh man I'm so cool i can drink heaps of booze, I'm trying to make the point of how horrible I felt the next day!

 My second ever bad hang over. Yuk
Apparently when I got home all my other flatmates were in bed.
According to Todd I was hiccuping and giggling hysterically because I spent all my money. I also tried to do the burlesque routine I learnt on Tuesday, but Todd said I just fell over a few times.
When I woke up my fake eyelashes were halfway down my face.
Not planning on doing that again. I hate not being able to do anything the next day.

On Saturday day I lay in bed sore, while Todd went to his Warhammer competition , he came second.
Having spent all my money we had a quiet night using pingys to pay for a bottle of wine.
I was really stoked that my cat Gaia jumped on my lap for a cuddle in the garage, but then her tail knocked my wine glass over onto my phone. It was fucked anyway at least I can receive texts after a whole day of it spazzing.

I find it really amazing that all around the same time, my cellphone, scooter and laptop fuck out. Just happy its while I'm on holidays other wise Id be winging. So anyway I need to wait till the payday after the next to be able to get a new phone cos I need my scooter first. Payday is ever 2 weeks WAHHHH

So Sunday I was feeling better, I was planning on going to work for like 3 hours then go to Jarrod's daughter Ruby's 1st birthday. I suddenly felt over whelming pissed off at my flatmates and claustrophobic too. FUCKING GRUBBY BOYS. At least its not as bad as having a couch monster, though word on the street is Couch Monster is looking for a new place.
I think the claustrophobia was due to not having my scooter, I always like knowing I have a way out or the ability to go somewhere when ever I want. That must be why I don't really like flying (apart from the ones that let you pick what film you want to watch).
So mum came and picked me up and we went to New Market and looked at puppy's.
After that we drove to Parnell to find John Key's house (Prime minister , to those readers out of NZ).  Mum couldn't remember the house number but the houses were all huge on his street.
Then some dude drove past us in his Mercedes and gave us 'you don't belong here' look so she and I did the fingers at him. Made my day.
After that we went to the cat colony place in Parnell.Its this place where heaps of feral cats live and people come and feed them and sometimes people get them fixed cos there are about 50plus cats. I only saw 2 cats , one grumpy looking small black cat and a brown stripy cat that was biting his tongue.
After that we decided to go to the movies but there was nothing we wanted to see so Mum dropped me home. After that I made pasta and got into bed and watched 'The cat returns'. At the moment I have an obsession with Studio Ghibli films.
Gaia came and joined me when I was watching the film , and I got suspicious that she could talk like the cats in the film.

So about my burlesque class.
It wasn't all glamorous with long elegant movements.
We learnt a dance routine kinda like how Katy Perry would dance in her music videos, 'cute' would be the best way to put it.
I can't dance, I spent the first 20 mins trying to not fall off my heels. I wasn't the worst dancer in the class at least!
The teacher was quite short so I kept having to remind myself not to get down to her level, I must have looked gangly. Plus the staring into a large mirror while dancing made me a little self conscious.
After a while you loosen up and start having fun, and the endorphins arent to bad.
Its a really good work out. And i have been trying to get the routine down all week. Gotta say although I looked stupid I had fun and I'm looking forward to the next class.

I'm on holidays now YAY.
Planning on working 8 hour days Monday and Tuesday so I have some money left after I pay for me ol scoot scoot.
I'm also making something for Morgie in my spare time. Its cute and crafty and I f i get better at it Ill make some for everyone woop

I want my fringe to pop like the girl sitting down!


  1. presents for Morgie!?!? You are too cute!

    I love that you got ultra fabulous and had a good slutty showoff, however which way it went! gold!!

    i did my carmen electra SLUTTYDANCE last night and was all YES i can TOTALLY memorise this shit. um, no i can't. About 2 minutes after the video ended I tried to do it on my own and was all MINDBLANK. damnit! how will i remember this drunk!?

  2. Haha! dont get to excited, its nothing you can use, just something cute to look at.

    After burlesque class I couldn't remember any of the routine, but the next morning it was all there!

    Im keen to see this Carmen Electra dance.
    Perhaps we will turn into those weird girls at parties that do full on routines when they are dancing

  3. I like that zombie bikini!

    Those fringes are hot but I have a feeling high maintenance.. ahh well you have a fringe already not me I'm LAZY.
    But she looks babe as <3

    Haha re burlesque I'm no dancer either but I've discovered I'm quite awesome at zumba hahaha. Must be from my teen years of dirty dancin and bumpin and grindin hahaha.

    All for FUN x
