Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I feel like I live in a hostel, there are constantly people coming and going.
People who don't even live here.
At this moment I'm sitting in my room two people who don't live here are hanging out in the lounge, I am the only person who is an actually resident in this house at this very moment and I haven't even left the room.
I feel like a total bitch blogging about it, but I need to vent it.
I have never more than now wanted to move into a flat with just Todd. But the problem with this flat is that its been in our circle of friends for a while, it would be a shame to give it up.
Luckily our current couch monster has found a flat and is moving out on Saturday, i cant forget to mention hes trying to take bits and bobs from our house 'oh Ill take the fridge & the spare bed in the garage'.
I know it seems like I'm over reacting but this has been forced upon me for the last month and a half, Ive lost my entire holidays to hiding in my room because the couch monster has just taken over the kitchen and lounge. Hes so dominating.


  1. Haha I've been a couch monster in that house.
    But I washed the dishes and didn't bring randoms around.

    I have however stolen wine, woken people up by playing Britney Spears really loud and had extreme yelling battles in it.

    I think the house attracts weirdos personally.
    In a good way.

    Sounds like you need to listen to some Whitney Houston. If it doesnt cheer you up, it will certainly cleanse the house of unwanted visitors.

  2. You are completely right! This fuckin weird cracky bitch came off the street the other week and sat on our porch and struck up a conversation with our couch monster and would not leave. It must be the weirdo Mecca or something.

    I'll be taking the Whitney Houston advice =)

  3. Hahaha! I love living with just Mike I wouldn't want to go back to living with others now x

  4. OH GOD he thinks he can just take things. SUPER. How cool! So glad it's all over! You two need some domestic fuckin bliss. You deserve it!!!!
