Thursday, July 1, 2010


Last night I went to the premier of Eclipse. But I have to make it clear that i use the word 'premier' in the literal sense , not like the premiers you see on the E channel or even the premier's that New Zealand have whilst attempting to replicate on E channel (that sentence doesn't really make sense). No this was just a cinema with hundreds of 'twi-hards' with their team Edward and team Jacob t-shirts.
I think the scariest part was that I could actually feel the in the hysterical excitement vibes coming off of everyone.
I enjoyed the movie, and the free popcorn (thank you mum), but I'm glad I hide my twilight enjoyment, because I couldn't cope talking about the books with some of the fans I saw last night. Id most likely end up being mauled by tween age girls because I don't think its literary genius.

This morning I woke up to our couch bum talking very loudly and this seems to have replaced my alarm clock.
I went to me appointment at family planning. I should have gone there for my prescription, its free and my Doctor charges me $20 to print off a prescription paper every 3 months. ARGH.

After my appointment I went to the mall and fucked around by myself.
I ended up buying a little Disney snow white necklace, uber cheesy but I do feel disappointed when I come home with my hands empty.
I also bought some 1.5kg weights, because I don't like the extra fries hiding around the biceps.

Its been a pretty lazy day, and the weekends shall be similar. I'm saving up to get my feet tattoos finished , its been way to long since I had them outlined and I need some colour!!!!
I also have decided my next piece WOOOHOOO

Goals for the holidays:
Finnish reading breakfast at Tiffany's
Read at least 3 more books
Get a head start on next semester.
Lay of the comfort food
Go for a run/walk at least once a day
Train the rats some more
Get a part time job and stop living off student loan ITS NOT CLEVER!

Just thought Id add the sweet naked chick with a bunny in there for fun


  1. I want to see the movie :-D I've never read the books though and never really enjoyed the other two movies.. But, I still want to see... I've heard theres more violence adn sex scenes *shrugs*


  2. Its definatley more hot and heavey , with the bloody topless man scenes.
    Without giving away to much, Edward doesnt have sex before mariage =P
