Friday, September 17, 2010

Queasy breezey

My stupid gender representation tutor gave me a -B
Sometimes I think if your tutors don't know your name they are more likely to mark your essays down. But that's just my justification.
That stupid bitch has the most annoying speech problem. And I noticed it before I got my essay back so it just means she is annoying.
When she says words with 'S' in it she makes the pitch of the 's' higher, and it sounds like a whistle. Its like the beaver on American Winnie the Poo. The chick is like 25 or something and talks this way. Poor fuck.
There is my vent
I am awfully hung over.
Last night my flat mate Nick got drunk and he never ever drinks , like ever. It was kind of a big deal to us flatmates. Any way what I'm leading to is, he got very drunk and I was a few drinks behind everyone so I decided to catch up, resulting in a complete write-off of today.
I did something I have never done before.
I woke up fully dressed. I must have passed out before even thinking about taking my clothes off.

Today Todd and I went to Silvia park and the guy at the Warhammer shop was hitting on me, Made my day.
There were these creepy porcelain dolls, there is so much money in that shit. Just make friends with old 'empty-nesters' , they will eat that shit up.
If anyone is unsure of what to do with their lives, I suggest they take up doll making.

I feel queasy from drinking last night and its like 5:30pm, don't know how ill do it tonight.


  1. Where do you find all your images? I especially like the tattoo ones..

    I've fallen asleep fully clothes so many times hahaha. That usually means, for me, SUCCESS. I made it home made it to bed I'm still clothed so nothing too dodgy went down :-)

    I find when I'm drunk I must sleep dead still too because I wake up with my make-up still perfect and the bed still perfectly made. Sweet

    I hope your hangover is gentle with you

    Warhammer. Well I have nothing to say about that. I miss Sylvia Park though I used to live Mt Wellington for a while.

    B- is still a good grade!!!!!


  2. I usually just find photos I like on Tumblr, its not to hard to find someone out there who has a tumblr account and is into the same things as you, Im just a naughty ol' image theif.
    This tumblr usually has mean tattoos:

    My hang over went away pretty quickly after I posted this update FEW!!

    I know B- is good but i thought I did really well. Uni sucks cos there is always someone more talented snatching up the bloody A+'s

    Hope you and bubba are coming along nicely!
